Reviewer Reviews
01.13 Maybe my favorite, so deep and hits home
01.17 This one is cool- I think I'm finding out that I like the universal truths ones. The relatable ones.
01.23 “Is there something lost in me Or is it just my mind?” Epic line. Fantastic!
01.26 Haunting! Love it.

02.07 clearly having a bad day indeed, haha! Still awesome that you made a pretty poem out of a bad mood
02.23 I’d be interested to hear this story. Although everything about this tells me I never will.
02.28 Oh my. What a note to end on. This reminds me of a bad relationship I was in, haha.

I like the story style on the 2nd, I am very interested to hear more about Rane.
03.09 This one is awesome, very relatable.
03.10 awwww so sweet!!
03.18 how horrible that moment must feel
03.19 is my favorite.